Skin care

Acne and Diet: Unraveling the Connection Between Food and Skin Health – Incorporating Calendula as a Natural Treatment

Last Updated on 22/01/2025 by Liz @ HealthTenfold

Acne, a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide, is characterized by the presence of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and sometimes more severe lesions like cysts and nodules. While factors such as hormones, genetics, and skincare practices are well-known contributors to acne development, emerging research suggests that diet may also play a role in its formation and severity. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the connection between certain foods and acne, exploring potential mechanisms behind this link and providing practical dietary recommendations for promoting clear and healthy skin. Moreover, we will explore the potential benefits of Calendula officinalis 12C as a natural and effective treatment for acne.

Understanding Acne

Acne occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells, sebum (an oily substance), and bacteria. This combination leads to inflammation and the formation of various types of lesions on the skin’s surface. The exact causes of acne are multifactorial and can vary from person to person. However, hormonal imbalances, particularly an increase in androgen hormones during puberty, are known to be major contributors. Additionally, factors such as genetics, stress, and exposure to certain environmental irritants can influence acne development.

acne remedies

Most recommended:

H-Acne formula

Manufactured by Natural healing oils.

The Role of Diet in Acne Development

In recent years, researchers have explored the potential link between diet and acne. Although the exact mechanisms are not yet fully understood, several dietary factors have been associated with acne formation:

High Glycemic Index Foods

Foods with a high glycemic index (GI) cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. These include refined carbohydrates like white bread, sugary snacks, and sweetened beverages. High-GI foods can trigger the release of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Elevated insulin levels may indirectly influence hormones involved in acne development, such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), androgen hormones, and sex hormones. These hormonal changes can increase sebum production and inflammation, contributing to acne formation.

Examples of high GI foods to limit or avoid include:

White bread
White rice
Potato chips
Soft drinks
Sugary cereals

Dairy Products

Dairy consumption, particularly milk, has been the subject of research investigating its potential association with acne. Milk contains hormones and growth factors that may affect the skin. For example, hormones present in milk, such as estrogen, progesterone, and IGF-1, could potentially influence acne development. Moreover, milk proteins may stimulate the production of insulin and IGF-1, which can impact acne-related hormones and inflammation.

Examples of dairy products to consider moderating or avoiding include:

Cow’s milk

Fatty and Processed Foods

Diets high in saturated and trans fats, as well as processed foods, have been associated with increased inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is a key factor in the development of acne. Moreover, diets rich in unhealthy fats may alter the composition of sebum, making it more prone to clogging pores and contributing to acne formation.

Examples of fatty and processed foods to limit or avoid include:

Fast food (burgers, fries)
Packaged snacks (chips, cookies)
Processed meats (sausages, bacon)
Fried foods

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Omega-6 fatty acids are essential for health but can contribute to inflammation when consumed in excessive amounts relative to omega-3 fatty acids. Unfortunately, the modern Western diet tends to be imbalanced in favor of omega-6 fatty acids due to the prevalence of vegetable oils like corn, soybean, sunflower, and safflower oils, which are widely used in processed and fast foods. Maintaining a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for overall health and skin health.

Examples of foods high in omega-6 fatty acids include:

Corn oil
Soybean oil
Sunflower oil
Safflower oil

High Iodine Foods

Iodine is an essential mineral required for thyroid function. However, excessive intake of iodine-rich foods such as seaweed, kelp, shellfish, and iodized salt has been associated with acne development in certain individuals. The exact mechanism is unclear, but it is suggested that high iodine levels could stimulate the production of acne-causing hormones.

Examples of high iodine foods to consume in moderation include:

Shellfish (shrimp, crab)
Iodized salt


The link between chocolate consumption and acne is a subject of debate. While some studies have found no direct association, others have reported that chocolate consumption may worsen acne symptoms in certain individuals. Chocolate is a combination of sugar, fat, and milk, which could contribute to acne through the mechanisms mentioned above.

Potassium-Rich Foods

Potassium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including nerve function, muscle contractions, and maintaining proper fluid balance. While potassium itself is not directly linked to acne development, it is an important nutrient for overall skin health and may indirectly contribute to a healthy complexion.

Examples of potassium-rich foods that can be beneficial for your skin include:

Oranges and orange juice
Sweet potatoes
Tomatoes and tomato products
Beans and lentils
Fish (such as salmon and tuna)
Nuts and seeds (almonds, pistachios, chia seeds)
Incorporating potassium-rich foods into your diet can be beneficial for your skin and overall health. However, if you have specific concerns about acne and diet, it is essential to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional for personalized advice and recommendations.

Natural Treatment for Acne – Calendula

Calendula officinalis, commonly known as marigold, is an herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. Calendula 12C is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the marigold plant. In homeopathy, remedies are diluted to extremely low concentrations, with the belief that these highly diluted substances can stimulate the body’s healing response.

Calendula is believed to work for acne treatment through the following mechanisms:

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Calendula has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce redness and inflammation associated with acne lesions.

Wound Healing

Calendula is known for its wound-healing properties. When applied topically, it may promote the healing of acne lesions and prevent scarring.

Antimicrobial Action

Calendula has mild antimicrobial properties, which can help control bacterial growth on the skin’s surface and prevent infection of acne-prone areas.

Soothing Effect

Calendula has a soothing effect on the skin, which may alleviate discomfort and irritation caused by acne.

acne remedies

Most recommended:

H-Acne formula

Manufactured by Natural healing oils.


Acne is a complex skin condition influenced by various factors, including genetics, hormones, skincare habits, and diet. Emerging research suggests that certain dietary factors may influence acne development through hormonal changes, inflammation, and sebum production. Foods with a high glycemic index, dairy products, fatty and processed foods, high iodine foods, and even chocolate are among the dietary factors that have been associated with acne. However, individual responses to these foods can vary, and not everyone will experience acne flare-ups from consuming them.

Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet that emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods, and incorporates antioxidants can contribute to overall skin health. Additionally, considering the potential effects of individual dietary components on acne-prone skin can help in crafting a personalized approach to skincare and wellness.

If you have concerns about how diet may be affecting your acne, consider keeping a food diary to identify potential triggers. Additionally, consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional for personalized advice on managing acne and creating a balanced diet that supports skin health. A comprehensive approach that considers skincare, lifestyle, and dietary factors is essential for maintaining clear and healthy skin.

acne remedies

Most recommended:

H-Acne formula

Manufactured by Natural healing oils.

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