Last Updated on 04/10/2024 by Liz @ HealthTenfold
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite, also known as orange peel texture, hail damage, cottage cheese legs, or mattress phenomenon, has been a headache for women for ages. It can be identified as lumpy and dimpled skin on your thighs, hips, or buttocks.
So common is cellulite that about 80-90 percent of women 21 years and older have suffered from it at some point in their lives.
Cellulite occurs due to fat beneath the skin breaking up. In places where cellulite commonly appears, there is a layer of fat that has fibrous connective tissue that holds your skin to muscle. Over time, as connective tissue degenerates and fat accumulates, the fat cells break up and start to push against the skin.
The result is that the skin becomes uneven and dimpled. This process is very noticeable around the legs, buttocks, thighs, and other areas where cellulite appears but it also occurs in other parts of the body but cellulite doesn’t appear on them.
Other areas that may develop cellulite include:
- Breasts
- Lower abdomen
- Upper arms

Most recommended:
H-Cellulite Formula
Manufactured by Natural Healing Oils.
What Causes Cellulite?
Fat Distribution
Cellulite can affect both men and women but is most common among women because of their different distribution of fat. In women, fat is usually distributed in the thighs, hips, and buttocks so this raises their susceptibility to cellulite.
Connective Tissue and Fat Cells Distribution
Men and women have a different distribution of connective tissue and fat cells. In women, the layers of fat cells and connective tissue are arranged vertically so when fat cells protrude out of the skin, cellulite appears. Conversely, men’s fat cells and connective tissue are arranged in a criss-cross pattern and so are less likely to have fat cells protruding onto the skin.
Hormones also play a role in the appearance of cellulite. Estrogen, noradrenaline, insulin, prolactin, and thyroid hormones, aid in the production of cellulite. When a woman is about to get to menopause, her levels of estrogen and blood flow to the connective tissue decreases. It leads to the lower production of collagen and fat cells get enlarged. The connective tissue is weakened as a result and fat deposits become more visible as they protrude under the skin.
Aging causes depletion of collagen so the skin becomes less elastic, thinner, and more likely to sag. This makes fat deposits easily visible under the skin and cellulite appears as skin dimples.
Cellulite is common in people who have excess fat. People who eat food that has excess fat, carbohydrates, salt, and little fiber are more likely to develop cellulite. It’s also not uncommon for slim and fit people to develop cellulite because the elasticity of the skin and the pattern of connective tissue also cause cellulite, not just fat.
Genetics affect the rate of metabolism as well as the distribution of fat under the skin. If you inherit a low metabolic rate and a high fat distribution from your parents, you are more likely to develop cellulite.
Fat-soluble toxins are stored inside your fat cells. When toxins get in your fat cells, they cause them to bulge which leads to the lumpy appearance of cellulite. Toxins come from things like perfumes, cigarettes, household chemicals, heavy metals, and alcohol.

Most recommended:
H-Cellulite Formula
Manufactured by Natural Healing Oils.
Can you Get Rid of Cellulite?
You cannot get rid of cellulite completely. This is because it exists in the fatty tissue underneath the skin and once a fat cell develops, it’s there to stay. Therefore, the best you can do is reduce the visibility of cellulite.
Will Cellulite Go Away with Exercise?
Exercise will not help completely get rid of cellulite but it will give you stronger muscles and tighter skin and hence reduce the visibility of cellulite. Some exercises you can try include:
- Squats
- Step-ups
- Side Lunges
- Jump squats
- Leg kickbacks
- Aerobic exercises like cycling, dancing, running, walking, swimming, and hiking
These exercises will help you burn fat and improve blood flow to the affected areas to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
How to Treat Cellulite?
Various methods are used to reduce the appearance of cellulite and they include medication and creams, medical procedures, dietary and lifestyle changes, and natural home remedies.

Most recommended:
H-Cellulite Formula
Manufactured by Natural Healing Oils.
Medications and Creams
Medications and creams are used to reduce the appearance of cellulite but only temporarily. Examples of medications and creams used include:
It’s a common ingredient used in creams and it works by increasing blood flow to the affected areas. This may change the water content of the fat and reduce the visibility of cellulite.
They reduce the appearance of cellulite by thickening the outer layer of the skin. Retinol has adverse effects so do a skin patch test first and observe for any reaction.
Medical Procedures
Medical procedures try to reduce the appearance of cellulite by breaking the bands of connective tissue underneath the skin.
It involves the freezing of fat cells under the skin so that they rupture and are absorbed by the body.
Acoustic Wave Therapy
It uses sound waves to vibrate the connective tissue in areas with cellulite to stimulate collagen production. This improves the texture, appearance, and elasticity of the skin.
Laser Treatment
A laser probe is used to break up connective tissue and it also thickens the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Carbon dioxide is inserted under the skin to increase blood flow to the area and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
A dermatologist uses a needle to break up connective tissue bands under the skin.
Dietary and Lifestyle Changes
As we saw before, fat accumulation due to poor dietary and lifestyle choices is a contributing factor to developing cellulite. Start eating a healthy and balanced diet low in fats, sugar, carbohydrates, and high in fiber to help you maintain a healthy weight.
Avoid having a sedentary lifestyle by regularly exercising to prevent the accumulation of fats.
Dehydration makes cellulite more visible so drink at least 8 cups of water daily. Water also flushes out toxins that make the appearance of cellulite worse.
Avoid wearing tight underwear with elastic across the buttocks because it restricts blood flow and contributes to the formation of cellulite.
Avoid smoking and drinking since it adds toxins to your body.
Natural Remedies for Cellulite
There are several natural remedies you can try yourself to help reduce the appearance of cellulite:
Dry Brushing for Cellulite
It’s a technique of brushing the skin using a body brush or a natural plant loofah. It helps to improve blood and lymph flow, eliminate dead skin cells, open up pores, and promote new cell growth. It supports detoxification so toxins that make cellulite worse are eliminated.
You can begin by gently brushing upwards from your legs to the arms and towards the chest. Finish by brushing anticlockwise on your stomach. This routine should be done twice a day and before long you’ll be surprised how well it works on cellulite.
This natural formula is made from pure essential oils which include properties that work to improve the texture and tone of the skin. This helps to diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Most recommended:
H-Cellulite Formula
Manufactured by Natural Healing Oils.
H-Cellulite Formula promotes suppleness, moisturizes the skin, and helps to increase the firmness of the top layer of skin. The first results can already be seen after applying the product for 3 days.
Coffee Scrub
Using grounded coffee as an exfoliator removes dead skin cells, promotes new cell growth, and tightens loose skin caused by cellulite. The caffeine also improves blood circulation. You can use only the coffee or mix it in coconut oil, sugar, or olive oil. Rub it on the affected area and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ingesting apple cider vinegar will help you lose weight and shed the excess fat. It contains calcium, potassium, and magnesium that will also help in removing toxins. Take one tablespoon of diluted apple cider vinegar three times a day. You can also mix it in
water and apply the solution to your skin.
A massage will help in improving blood flow and lymphatic drainage. It also stretches out your skin tissue so it will help in stretching cellulite dimples. You can do the massage yourself at home or get the services of a professional masseur/masseuse. One massage is not enough so you’ll need to do them consistently to attain desired results.
Most fatty foods contain the wrong type of fat so they create an imbalance of the fatty acids your body needs to have smooth skin. Omega-3 contains fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins that will correct this imbalance and also strengthen your immune system. It will make your skin smoother and reduce cellulite over time.
Dehydrated skin is more likely to develop cellulite. Moisturize daily using a natural moisturizer like coconut oil, honey, or Shea butter. Apply it daily all over your body after taking a shower or massage firmly to tighten the skin.
Hormone Control
Stabilizing your hormone levels will help in reducing the appearance of cellulite. You can achieve hormonal balance by eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and keeping your stress and anxiety levels down.
Natural remedies are effective and inexpensive ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite so maximize on them!

Most recommended:
H-Cellulite Formula
Manufactured by Natural Healing Oils.
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